Download 232key Pro

Click on the button below to download the 232key Pro installer (Windows x64, 5.91 MB):

All files are digitally signed by Smartlux SARL.
232key Pro requires  the .NET 8.0 desktop runtime. If not installed on your system, you will be prompted to install it when running the application for the first time (see below).

Looking for the 232key beta version that was deployed as a ClickOnce application? You can still download it here.

Installation problems and solutions

.NET 8 desktop runtime missing

dotnet desktop runtime missing

The most recent version of 232key Pro requires the .NET 8.0 desktop runtime to be installed on your system. You can download it here.

ClickOnce version only: Your administrator has blocked this application because it potentially poses a security risk to your computer

To solve this issue, change the ClickOnce trust prompt behavior of your system by setting the Internet zone to “AuthenticodeRequired”. You can use our free TrustPrompt tool to easily do this.