What’s new in 232key Pro, the scriptable virtual keyboard wedge?

232key Pro is the scriptable version of our popular 232key virtual keyboard wedge software. It can capture data from a (virtual) COM port or TCP server, process it with a custom C# script and send it to any target application as simulated keystrokes.

Version 0.7.5 includes a device profile for Precisa scales and balances:
Precisa scales and balances in 232key Pro

You can now also trigger the F1…F12 function keys from your script by using GIDEI commands.

In the Control tab in 232key Pro, you can define a keyboard shortcut (hotkey) which sends a command to the connected device:

Version 0.7.6 now shows a more useful error message if you press the hotkey before a connection has been established:
Hotkey error 232key Pro

Further information can be found on our 232key Pro website.

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