News and Changelog

Version 0.8.0

New features and improvements in version 0.8.0 of our data logging software:

Easily set the correct formats for your language and region (locale)

You can set the date, time and CSV formats by simply clicking on a button in the File tab (which shows your current language/region name):
Formats for English (United States)The formatted current date and time are shown to the right of the format boxes as examples.

It is, of course, still possible to manually change the format settings, i.e. to include milliseconds or to use a 24h time format.

Localized day and month names can be used by deselecting the “invariant culture” checkbox:
Formats in French (localized)

Flow control (handshaking)

Simple Data Logger supports XON/XOFF software flow control and RTS/CTS hardware flow control for RS-232 connections (as well as a mode that uses both). You can also enable the “data terminal ready” (DTR) and “request to send” (RTS) control signals by clicking on the corresponding button:
Flow control (handshaking)Some serial devices require one or both of these signals to be set before they will send any data to your PC. Please note that you cannot manually set the RTS signal when using RTS flow control.

A write timeout can be set in the Timer tab (default value: 500 ms). This is important when using flow control (handshaking) to prevent the port being blocked indefinitely on write operations:
Write timeoutTo disable the write timeout, set it to -1 (not recommended).

Additional COM port information shown in the event log

The RS-232 connection parameters, control signals as well as the polling command, timer/delay and write timeout are shown in the event log when opening the COM port:
Event log COM port information

This should simplify troubleshooting when we ask you for a screenshot.

Better display and handling of errors

Errors and important messages are shown in red in the event log:
Error messages

To trigger the errors above, we removed an RS-232 to USB converter while the port was open.

We’ve also fixed a bug which caused the application to exit when certain unusual errors (like the one above) occurred while using a timer to send commands (polling).

Reload user settings

Simple Data Logger saves all settings automatically when the application is closed. If you’ve made changes you want to undo, you can press the Reload button in the Settings tab to restore the last saved settings:
Reload user settingsThe Reset button is also still there and will reset everything to the application default values (as if you were running Simple Data Logger for the first time).

Version 0.7.2 – New device profiles for Adam Equipment scales

Version 0.7.2 of our data logging software includes tested* device profiles for the following scales made by Adam Equipment:

  • CBK, *GBK, GFK (GK indicator): We recommend setting “C8 LAb” to “off” in the menu of your scale, particularly if you’re using continuous transmission mode “Ct StA” oder “Ct AnY”).
  • *CPWplus: Set the scale to “trn 2” for continuous transmission or to “trn 3” to use polling (or the print button on the scale).
  • GBC, GFC (GC counting indicator): You can choose to capture the weight or the number of pieces. *We’ll receive a GBC counting scale later this week for tests.

Adam Equipment Scales

These new profiles make it easy to set the default RS-232 parameters and the command to poll the weight: simply press the “Set default…” buttons (available in the Device and Timer tabs):

Poll weight from Adam Equipment scale using timer

Please note that our software works with most scales and balances even if no pre-defined device profile is available yet: choose “Generic measuring instrument” and set the interface parameters and the polling command manually (your device manual should contain the necessary information). If required, you can also customize the regular expression SDL uses to match and capture data. Further information is available in our documentation.

If you’re a manufacturer and would like us to to include your measuring instruments, please contact us and send us the necessary information (or devices for testing):

  • RS-232 interface parameters and/or default IP port number.
  • Data format, including the terminator/delimiter (data has to be sent as ASCII, but we will need a precise description of the format so that we can can capture the measuring value).
  • Available device modes (e.g. manual transmission, automatic transmission on stability or in intervals, continuous transmission, command mode, etc.).
  • Polling command (which tells the instrument to send the measuring value immediately; weighing instruments should send the net weight).

Version 0.7.1 – Remove characters | Discounted licenses available for beta-version users

The latest version of Simple Data Logger comes with a function to remove unwanted characters from the data received from the connected device. This is particularly useful when dealing with accuracy class I or class II balances with differentiated digits.

We’ve also made several small UI improvements. The timer tab has gained a useful button to set the default polling command for the selected device.

Licenses are now available for purchase

At this point, we’ve implemented the most important functions of Simple Data Logger and have tested the software with multiple devices, high data rates and data acquisition operations running over several days. Even though SDL is still in beta and can be used for free by all users until September 30, 2018, we’ve received multiple requests for license purchases.

Licenses are now available through our partner FastSpring. You’ll receive your license key and invoice immediately once your payment has been processed. To thank the users who have accompanied us through the development of our software, a 30% “beta” discount is applied automatically.

Note: The basic functionality of Simple Data Logger will remain free for personal, non-commercial use.

Version 0.6.0 – Polling

As of version 0.60, Simple Data Logger can send a user-defined command to the connected device to trigger a response (which is then recorded). The command is automatically repeated by a precise timer. Alternatively, SDL can also synchronize the command and the response, either adding a delay or polling the device as fast as possible.


To read more about the new polling functionality available in the timer tab, please consult our documentation.

We’ve also made sure that the list of COM ports in the device tab is now sorted in logical order (COM1, COM2… COM10).

Version 0.5.0

The newest version of Simple Data Logger contains significant performance and usability improvements.

Multicolored event log

The event log shows the data received from your connected device. The parts of this data which were captured to be logged are now highlighted. In the example below, we recorded data sent from an Ohaus STX scale intentionally set to transmit lots of data:
Event log: too many values captured

As you can see, many undesired values were captured. After a simple change to the regular expression which SDL uses to match and capture data, only the net weight was recorded:
Event log: net weight captured

The new multicolored event log is a very useful tool for troubleshooting.

Other improvements:

  • Improved responsiveness of the user interface even when data is received at very high rates.
  • Time for each line of data is now recorded after the first byte has been received (previously: when entire line was written to the file).
  • Program will warn you if you’re trying to exit while data collection is still running and will shut down gracefully if user confirms exit intent.
  • “Closed” message appears in event log after stop button is pressed (when port/socket has been closed).
  • “A&D” name is now shown correctly in start tab (with ampersand).

Version 0.4.8

User interface and usability improvements:

  • “Connected!” message in event log also appears for COM connections.
  • Generic text device is shown in italics in the device list to highlight that alphanumeric text devices (e.g. barcode scanners) are treated differently from numeric devices (e.g. measuring instruments).
  • Relevant settings are validated when switching from COM to TCP/IP and vice-versa:
    Error marks in SDL
  • Relevant settings are validated when pressing the “Set default parameters for device” button.
  • Downward arrows were removed from “Set default parameters for device” button as they would not appear correctly on Windows 7.
  • Tab order improved in license tab and license details dialog.

New features:

If you’ve already installed Simple Data Logger, it should update to version 0.4.78 automatically. Otherwise, click here to install it. Simple Data Logger is currently free to use for testing purposes, paid licenses will be available soon.

Version 0.4.7

  • Licensing functionality has been improved. Try using the following license key (valid for two months):

If you’ve already installed Simple Data Logger, it should update to version 0.4.7 automatically. Otherwise, click here to install it. Simple Data Logger is currently free to use for testing purposes, paid licenses will be available soon.

Version 0.4.6

  • New licensing functionality: Licenses can be added from license key, details can be shown, license can be removed. Try it out with the following trial key:
  • Fixed expiry date bug (trial version expired on day early).

Version 0.4.0 (custom regular expressions)

Simple Data Logger just became significantly more powerful (and useful): You can now modify the regular expression used to match and capture data.

This is best explained with an example. Let’s say your scale sends the following data every time you press the print button:

Balance ID: 8336507294
Balance Type: STX421
Balance Name: Scout
User Name:
Project Name:
Sample Name: OBJECT 1
123.4 g
Gross: 123.4 g G
Net: 123.4 g N
Tare: 0.0 g T
Verified By:____________

However, you actually only want to record the net weight. This can now be achieved in SDL by clicking on the customize button in the device tab:

Capture net weight using custom regular expression

Adding “Net:\s*” ahead of the original regular expression ensures that only lines where these characters appear before the weight are matched. SDL then uses a capturing group (subexpression) to capture the numeric value (weight).

SDL always captures the data matched by the first subexpression. You must therefore include a subexpression (in parentheses) in your regular expression.

For further information, please read this blog post describing the same functionality of our 232key software.

We’ve also made the links in SDL clickable and made sure that user settings are automatically transferred after updating.

Finally, we’ve relaunched our website, making it significantly more interactive (try it out and leave a comment below). We’ve also moved it from to